

Our residential land surveying services meet the needs of homeowners and other property owners who want to hire a land surveyor for their projects. You can trust our professional expertise to make it as easy and precise as possible.

We thoroughly research your deed, your plot and other recorded documents that may affect your property and then we take physical measurements on site to create your boundary survey. 


Our services include:
  • A-2 Surveys
    An A-2 survey is one of the most requested surveys. This is typically what the planning and zoning office of your town asks for when you are planning to build an addition to an existing house or garage. This survey shows the property lines, setback lines (how close to the property line you can build), lot coverage, etc.
  • Boundary Surveys
  • Property Surveys
  • Topographic Survey
    This survey is basically the same as theA-2 surveyand includes the elevations or grades. This may be required if major work on the property is being done, such as a new house or for some major additions.
  • Zoning Location Surveys
  • As-Built Surveys
    This is a survey required to prove that the house or the addition was built as it was approved by planning and zoning office and conforms to zoning regulations.
  • FEMA Elevation Certificates
    If your house is in a flood zone, the bank may require an elevation certificate that is certified by a land surveyor. The elevation certificate shows the elevations of the basement floor, first floor, etc., in relation to BFE (Base Flood Elevation).
  • Property Line Stakeout
    Property line stakeout is the process of marking the property corners and/or line with permanent markers like rebars or iron pins. This survey may be needed if you are installing a fence along the property line or if you just want to know where your property line begins and ends.
  • Construction Stakeout
  • Raw Land Tower Site Surveys
  • Roof Top Surveys
  • FAA 2C and 1A Surveys
  • Boundary Surveys
  • Tower As-Built Surveys
  • Tower Height Certification
K&A Land Surveyors LLC
1266 E. Main St., Suite 700R 
Stamford, CT 06902
Phone: (203) 274-0246

Business Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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